National Care Association Logo

National Care Association Logo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Agenda Today

Off to a meeting of the Care Provider Alliance at 11am. First on the agenda, meeting with Department of Health senior official from the Better Regulation Department. I will have a lot to say.

Full report in Update to our members on Friday.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Campaigning: 2012

I spent the day yesterday in Kent with our Chairman Nadra Ahmed planning our campaigning for the first 6 months of 2012.

First stop will be a paper for MPs about the number of organisations that can now inspect or assess care providers and following on from that the number of extra organisations that the Government has announced will also be involved such as Monitor, Health Watch and of course NICE too.

What care homes need right now is clarity, not more and more complexity.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Meeting with Care Providers Alliance & CQC

Yesterday I went to a meeting between the Care Providers Alliance and the Care Quality Commission at their headquarters.

Cynthia Bower the Chief Executive of CQC was there.

As always my blood pressure was raised from time to time and I guess that will continue!

More of that to members in an e mail at the end of the week.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter in Daily Telegraph: 3rd January 2012

There is a disappointing letter in today’s Daily Telegraph signed by 72 organisations involved in social care mainly in the voluntary sector.

The letter talks about the threat to the provision of social care unless a concensus can be reached around the funding of long term care.

We believe that one of the biggest threats to the future of social care is the failure to care and support for the care home sector.

Care homes are an essential part of the continuum of care, caring as they do for the frailest and most vulnerable older people.

That failure to support the care home sector in the coming year could cause even more instability to social care than anything else and that instability could put more pressure on the NHS than it could tolerate.

Our message for the New Year to the Government and the 72 organisations that signed today’s letter is “It is imperative that the CARE HOME Sector is recognised as part of the solution to this funding conundrum. Splitting the sector will weaken the impact and fail the frail and elderly population we serve".

Social Care in the News

Despite the holidays, there has been a great deal in the press and on the TV and radio about social care.

Yesterday it was about the government announcement of 150 million new money for domiciliary care - good for domiciliary care, but what about residential care which is suffering very badly too?